WasteLocate uses QR2id codes, which are two dimensional barcodes similar to those you may have seen on advertising brochures and product packaging. These can be scanned with a smartphone or tablet computer running a QR Reader App, which links to the WasteLocate web-application on the Internet.
Historically these QR2id Codes appeared on special location plates installed at waste and recycling facilities and tyre outlets, as well as on the waste consignments themselves. Where operational conditions required, multiple location plates were installed at the one facility / location (e.g. mounted at different heights to allow scanning from the cab of light and heavy vehicles.) Drivers could scan these plates when collecting and delivering waste.
A project plate can be used to streamline asbestos consignment generation, where Transporters are moving many loads from one location and allows the use of subcontractors. A Project will need to be created in WasteLocate first. The Project plate must be made accessible to drivers for scanning at the pick up location.
Project Transporters are responsible for meeting the costs associated with project plates. Plates can be purchased directly from EPA's contracted supplier, Amtac Professional Services Pty. Ltd., by following the instructions below. Payments will be processed on-line through PayPal at the end of the order process. NB: Payment can be made by Credit Card without a PayPal account — simply choose this option at the PayPal payment screen.